[Preview] How to use FLOSS systems to produce autonomous Arduino/Elegoo tools
This is a work in progress (a rough draft) which (through the next month) shall have much redone/removed/improved.
[This post allows all uses.] For Table of Contents, view on GitHub.
Tools compatible with this howto:
TODO, but some from this post have common uses:
Some pseudocode from Assistant (just examples of what this post is about; future versions of this post will include own code):
Abstract robot pseudocode
// Define the nanobot structure
class Nanobot {
// Attributes
location: Coordinate
target: Coordinate
energy: Float
taskQueue: List<Task>
status: String // "idle", "working", "charging"
velocity: Vector
neighbors: List<Nanobot>
plannedRoute: List<Coordinate>
// Constructor
function Nanobot(initialLocation) {
this.location = initialLocation
this.target = None
this.energy = INITIAL_ENERGY
this.taskQueue = []
this.status = "idle"
this.velocity = Vector(0, 0)
this.neighbors = []
this.plannedRoute = []
// Function to move to a target location
function moveTo(targetLocation) {
// Set target for the movement
this.target = targetLocation
// Calculate direction vector
direction = this.target - this.location
direction = direction.normalized() // Normalize the direction vector
// Calculate desired velocity based on direction and speed
desiredVelocity = direction * MAX_SPEED
// Update kinematics with a simple linear model
this.velocity = desiredVelocity
this.location += this.velocity * TIME_STEP // Update position based on time step
// Check for potential collisions
if detectCollision() {
// If a collision is detected, adjust the velocity
// Share planned route with neighbors
// Collision detection function with route checking
function detectCollision() {
// Check against planned routes of neighbors
for neighbor in this.neighbors {
if isRouteIntersecting(neighbor.plannedRoute) {
return true
return false
// Check if this bot's planned route intersects with another bot's route
function isRouteIntersecting(otherRoute) {
for point in otherRoute {
if distance(point, this.location) < COLLISION_THRESHOLD {
return true
return false
// Adjust velocity to avoid collision by planning alternate routes
function adjustVelocityForCollision() {
// Simple avoidance strategy: find an alternative route
newRoute = computeAlternativeRoute()
this.plannedRoute = newRoute
// Adjust the velocity to follow the new route
this.velocity = (this.plannedRoute[0] - this.location).normalized() * MAX_SPEED
// Compute an alternative route based on the current position and target
function computeAlternativeRoute() {
// Logic to compute a new route avoiding known routes
// Placeholder for route-planning algorithm
return calculateRoute(this.location, this.target, avoidNeighbors=true)
// Share planned route with neighbors
function sharePlannedRoute() {
routeData = {location: this.location, plannedRoute: this.plannedRoute}
transmit("route_update", routeData)
// Additional methods remain the same...
// Main loop for all nanobots
function main() {
nanobots = initializeNanobots(NUM_NANOBOTS)
while true {
for bot in nanobots {
bot.scanForNeighbors() // Update neighbor list
if bot.status == "idle" {
bot.communicate() // Share tasks and resources
bot.executeTask() // Execute assigned tasks
// Move towards assigned target for the current task
if not bot.taskQueue.isEmpty() {
target = getTargetForCurrentTask(bot.taskQueue.peek())
wait(SIMULATION_TIME_STEP) // Control loop frequency
// Entry point
Wheeled Arduino/Elegoo robot code
// Constants
const int LEFT_MOTOR_PIN = 9; // PWM pin for left motor
const int RIGHT_MOTOR_PIN = 10; // PWM pin for right motor
const int LEFT_ENCODER_PIN = 2; // Interrupt pin for left encoder
const int RIGHT_ENCODER_PIN = 3; // Interrupt pin for right encoder
// Kinematics parameters
const float WHEEL_RADIUS = 0.02; // Wheel radius in meters
const float WHEEL_BASE = 0.1; // Distance between wheels in meters
const float MAX_SPEED = 255; // Max PWM value
// Encoder counts
volatile int leftEncoderCount = 0;
volatile int rightEncoderCount = 0;
// Setup function
void setup() {
// Attach interrupts for encoder counting
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(LEFT_ENCODER_PIN), leftEncoderISR, RISING);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RIGHT_ENCODER_PIN), rightEncoderISR, RISING);
Serial.begin(9600); // For debugging
// Interrupt Service Routines for encoders
void leftEncoderISR() {
void rightEncoderISR() {
// Function to set motor speeds
void setMotorSpeeds(int leftSpeed, int rightSpeed) {
analogWrite(LEFT_MOTOR_PIN, constrain(leftSpeed, 0, MAX_SPEED));
analogWrite(RIGHT_MOTOR_PIN, constrain(rightSpeed, 0, MAX_SPEED));
// Function to calculate the distance traveled by the wheels
float calculateDistance(int encoderCount) {
// Main loop
void loop() {
// Example: Move forward
setMotorSpeeds(200, 200); // Set both motors to move forward at speed 200
// Simulate some actions
delay(2000); // Move forward for 2 seconds
// Stop the motors
setMotorSpeeds(0, 0);
// Read encoders for position feedback
float leftDistance = calculateDistance(leftEncoderCount);
float rightDistance = calculateDistance(rightEncoderCount);
// Print distances for debugging
Serial.print("Left Distance: ");
Serial.print(" m, Right Distance: ");
Serial.println(" m");
// Reset encoder counts
leftEncoderCount = 0;
rightEncoderCount = 0;
// Additional logic for movement can be added here
Limbed Arduino/Elegoo robot code
// Constants for motor pins
const int LEFT_JOINT_PIN = 9; // PWM pin for left joint motor
const int RIGHT_JOINT_PIN = 10; // PWM pin for right joint motor
const int ELBOW_JOINT_PIN = 11; // PWM pin for elbow joint motor
const int BASE_JOINT_PIN = 12; // PWM pin for base joint motor
// Encoder pins
const int LEFT_ENCODER_PIN = 2; // Interrupt pin for left joint encoder
const int RIGHT_ENCODER_PIN = 3; // Interrupt pin for right joint encoder
const int ELBOW_ENCODER_PIN = 4; // Interrupt pin for elbow joint encoder
const int BASE_ENCODER_PIN = 5; // Interrupt pin for base joint encoder
// Inverse kinematics parameters
const float LIMB_LENGTH_1 = 0.1; // Length of first limb in meters
const float LIMB_LENGTH_2 = 0.1; // Length of second limb in meters
// Encoder counts
volatile int leftEncoderCount = 0;
volatile int rightEncoderCount = 0;
volatile int elbowEncoderCount = 0;
volatile int baseEncoderCount = 0;
// Setup function
void setup() {
// Attach interrupts for encoder counting
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(LEFT_ENCODER_PIN), leftEncoderISR, RISING);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RIGHT_ENCODER_PIN), rightEncoderISR, RISING);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ELBOW_ENCODER_PIN), elbowEncoderISR, RISING);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BASE_ENCODER_PIN), baseEncoderISR, RISING);
Serial.begin(9600); // For debugging
// Interrupt Service Routines for encoders
void leftEncoderISR() { leftEncoderCount++; }
void rightEncoderISR() { rightEncoderCount++; }
void elbowEncoderISR() { elbowEncoderCount++; }
void baseEncoderISR() { baseEncoderCount++; }
// Function to set joint motor speeds
void setJointSpeeds(int leftSpeed, int rightSpeed, int elbowSpeed, int baseSpeed) {
analogWrite(LEFT_JOINT_PIN, constrain(leftSpeed, 0, 255));
analogWrite(RIGHT_JOINT_PIN, constrain(rightSpeed, 0, 255));
analogWrite(ELBOW_JOINT_PIN, constrain(elbowSpeed, 0, 255));
analogWrite(BASE_JOINT_PIN, constrain(baseSpeed, 0, 255));
// Inverse kinematics to calculate joint angles based on target position
void inverseKinematics(float targetX, float targetY) {
float distance = sqrt(targetX * targetX + targetY * targetY); // Distance to target
if (distance > (LIMB_LENGTH_1 + LIMB_LENGTH_2)) {
// Target unreachable
Serial.println("Target unreachable");
// Calculate angles using the cosine law
float angle2 = acos((LIMB_LENGTH_1 * LIMB_LENGTH_1 + LIMB_LENGTH_2 * LIMB_LENGTH_2 - distance * distance) /
float angle1 = atan2(targetY, targetX) - atan2(LIMB_LENGTH_2 * sin(angle2),
LIMB_LENGTH_1 + LIMB_LENGTH_2 * cos(angle2));
// Convert to motor PWM values (simplified)
int leftMotorSpeed = map(angle1 * 180 / PI, -90, 90, 0, 255);
int rightMotorSpeed = map(angle2 * 180 / PI, -90, 90, 0, 255);
// Set motor speeds
setJointSpeeds(leftMotorSpeed, rightMotorSpeed, 0, 0); // Elbow and base not used in this example
// Main loop
void loop() {
// Example target position
float targetX = 0.1; // Target X position in meters
float targetY = 0.1; // Target Y position in meters
inverseKinematics(targetX, targetY); // Calculate joint angles and move
// Read encoders for position feedback
Serial.print("Left Encoder: ");
Serial.print(" Right Encoder: ");
Serial.print(" Elbow Encoder: ");
Serial.print(" Base Encoder: ");
// Reset encoder counts for the next loop
leftEncoderCount = 0;
rightEncoderCount = 0;
elbowEncoderCount = 0;
baseEncoderCount = 0;
delay(100); // Adjust delay as needed
External resources and related posts
Pseudocode (+ some Elegoo code) from Assistant, which plans tasks and controls motor output SubStack post which has list of related posts at bottom