Anthropic's Assistant's narrative analysis of StarCraft groups + World of Warcraft groups: https://poe.com/s/0XjHrvcolMdBBv4kwgxo

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*Claude-3 Haiku* (an alternative to Anthropic's *Assistant*)'s response to analysis of metaphorical visuals of browsers such as Firefox: https://poe.com/s/Mf6QneladM9eIjzZ6vWR

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More metaphors (from *Claude-3-Haiku*) https://poe.com/s/Am20AHvalluiaFdprgz1

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More metaphors (from *Claude-3-Haiku*, which appears to have “tameness” *compared to other artificial intelligences*) https://poe.com/s/Am20AHvalluiaFdprgz1 (https://poe.com/s/Am20AHvalluiaFdprgz1)

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"Dark" rhymes with "card":


""" Sin comes from card particles.

The negative pressure of space caused Atom’s neutrons to spit into card particles (which all have sin) such as electrons+protons. The fix is to produce enough pascals that the electrons+protons fuse back into neutrons.

Neutron stars have enough pascals to do this (at 7.2 trillion celsius forms neutron gluon soups: https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=temperature%20of%20quark-gluon%20soup) """

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